17 Şubat 2015 Salı

ECO 422 History of Economic Analysis II Syllabus Spring 2015

Instructor: Muammer Kaymak
Joan Robinson
e-mail: mkaymak@hacettepe.edu.tr

Course Objectives:
In this course, it is aimed to investigate the emergence of basic concepts and analytical structures in economic  thought from the beginning of nineteenth century. In this respect, the origins of neoclasical economics, Marxist and the other hetreodox schools will be investigated.
Since the course covers two semesters, we focused on clasical political economy in the fall semester. As for spring semester, we are focusing the new era starting with the decline of classical political economy after David Ricardo.
Grading Policy:

Midterm: 25%
Class Presentation and Essay 25%
[Essay Topics will be announced Later] 
Final Exam: 50%

Main Text:  
E.K. Hunt and Mark Lautzenheiser, History of economic thought : a critical perspective, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2011.

Suggested General Readings

*Duncan K. Foley, Adam's Fallacy, A Guide to Economic TheologyCambridge:Harvard University Press, 2006. [Full text PDF]
*Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine (2009) From Political Economy to Economics: Method, the social and the historical in the evolution of economic theory, London & New York:Routledge [Full text PDF]

*Ernesto Screpanti and Stefano Zamagni (2005) An Outline of the History of Economic
Thought, trans: David Field and Lynn Kirby, New York: OUP. [Full text PDF]


I. Pioneers of Subjectivist Approach
Hunt & Lautzenheiser, Ch. 6

II. Ricardian Socialism
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 7.

III. Pure versus Eclectic Utilitarianism
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch 8

IV. Karl Marx as a Critic and Follower of Classical School
Hunt Lautzenheiser,  Ch 9
Anwar Shaikh, (1978) An Introduction to the History of Crisis Theories., in U.S. Capitalism in Crisis, U.R.P.E., New York. 

Further Readings
Paul M.Sweezy (1942) The Theory of Capitalist Development: Principles of Marxian Political Economy, London:Denis Dobson Limited. 
Maurice Dobb (1974) Kapital’in 1964 yılında Yapılan Yeni İtalyanca Baskısı için Giriş, Karl 
Marx, Kapital I.Cilt, 1. kitap, Çev. Mehmet Selik, Odak Yayınları
Karl Marx, The Capital, (Ch. 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 25)
-Karl Marx, Theories of Surplus Value, Vol I.

V.  Marginalist Counter-Revolution

Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 10.
Ronald L. Meek (1972) "Marginalism and Marxism", History of Political Economy, Fall 4(2): 499-511;

VI. Neoclassical Theories of Firm and Income Distribution
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 11

VII Thorstein Veblen ve Instutional Economics.
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 12.
Thorstein Veblen (1898)  “Why Is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science?” Quarterly Journal of Economics,  12 (3): 373 – 397.
-Eyüp Özveren (2007) “Kurumsal İktisat: Aralanan Kara Kutu”, Kurumsal İktisat (Der) Eyüp Özveren, içinde,  Ankara, İmge, sf. 15-43.
-Mehmet Gürsan Şenalp (2007) “Dünden Bugüne Kurumsal İktisat”, Kurumsal İktisat (Der) Eyüp Özveren, içinde,  Ankara, İmge, sf. 45-92.

VIII. Theories of Imperialism
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 13.
Antony Brewer (1990) Marxist Theories of Imperialism: A Critical Survey, Routledge, 
Özgür Öztürk (2006) "Emperyalizm Kuramları ve Sermayenin luslararasılaşması", Praksis, No.15.

IX. Neoclasscial Welfare Economics
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 14.

X. Keynes and Interventionist Capitalism
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 15
Keynes, General Theory (Ch. 3, 5, 11, 24.)
-Bilsay Kuruç (2007) “Ortodoksluktan Çıkış için Bir Kitap: Genel Teori”, Mülkiye Dergisi, Cilt: XXXI No.256, sf. 17-29.
-Hüseyin Özel (2007) “Genel Teori’ye Yol Açmış Olabilecek Toplum Felsefesi Üzerine”, İktisat Dergisi, sayı 490, Ekim-Kasım 2007, sf. 58-69.
-İbrahim Tanyeri (1994), “Keynes’de Faiz Oranı, Sermayenin Marjinal Etkenliği ve Yatırım Analizi” H. Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. c.12.
-İbrahim Tanyeri  (1998), “Keynes’in İstihdam ve Ücret Analizi”, H. Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. c.16. no. 1-2. 29-46.

XI. Hafta: Cambridge Controversy
Hunt Lautzenheiser, Ch. 15.
- Sencer Divitçioğlu (1976) Değer ve Bölüşüm, Marxist İktisat ve Cambridge Okulu, İstanbul: İstanbul İktisat Fakültesi Yayını, no:2168.
-Yılmaz Akyüz  (2009) Sermaye, Bölüşüm, Büyüme, Eflatun Yayınevi.

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